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Push Nevahda

Past Postings

  • What is an Alpha Male (a discussion)
  • A Love Supreme ...
  • A Love Supreme, A Love Supreme, A Love Supreme…

    My babymomma and I were trying to reconcile our broken relationship. It was Sweetie's Day and she'd called me at work to suggest that she we spend it together. Happy and elated at the gesture of an assumed reconciliation, I said, "Sure, what time should I be there!?" "Come around 8, dinner will be done by then," she said, coyly adding, "I just want it to be the two of us." To me, that meant dinner, romance, and sex. "Great!" I smiled the rest of the day. I left work, stopped by the florist, then on to the market for candy, wine, and ice cream for the boys.

    I arrived at her spot at exactly 8pm. She always left the door open for me so I walked up to the door, opened it and the house was completely dark. I - the suspicious cynic -didn't say a word, quietly walked in, softly shut the door, and placed the bags on the kitchen counter-top. The children's room was just to the right of the kitchen so I peeked in their door to see if they were awake. They were sound asleep. Great! No disturbance. I went back into the kitchen and noticed no dinner cooked, but there was an empty pizza box and half a bottle of cheap wine.

    I proceeded up the small narrow hallway that led to her room. Her door was closed. I pressed my ear against it to see if she was awake. I could hear R Kelly's 'Sex Me' playing, and I thought I smelled a little incense. Denise always liked to set romantics scenarios with music, candles, and incense. Tonight was the night. We were going to make love, drink wine, and fall asleep in each other's arms. And tomorrow was going to be a new day. Like a baptismal renewing of love, faith, and vows of commitment. In the morning, she'll make pancakes and eggs for me and the boys, just the way she used to. The way it used to be. I was happy again.

    "Wait! Lemme go into the bathroom and freshen up!" I turned around, went back to the kitchen to get my over-night bag and the last of the cheap wine, taking a swig as I tip-toed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my balls. I sprayed cologne on my neck and that little spot just between my navel and my dick, then I put my clothes back on, did the Praying Mantis hand rub again, taking a deep breath before softly tip-toeing back to her bedroom door.


    R Kelly was still bumping, and I was now certain of the aromatic coconut incense coming from beyond the door. "Um 'bout ta tear this pussy up," I thought to myself, hoping my littlest wouldn't wake up and ruin this great epiphany. Like clockwork, he always woke up in the middle of the night wanting to sleep in our bed. But this night he was sound asleep.

    I opened the door and whispered, "Denise?" No answer. I then slid my arm across the wall to find the light switch and flick it on. Someone murmured, "Who the fuck is that?" It wasn't Denise's sweet, angelic, feminine, voice. The voice was deep and ominous.

    I stepped on into the room, my mouth dropped open, and my heart began palpitating at the elevated rate of cross-country runner. I moved closer.

    Denise is lying on her back, legs practically touching the ceiling, while the other woman - who I first thought to be a man - is on top of her.....hitting switches I never knew could be hit...tearing the pussy up…with black straps wrapped around her manly hips and dented ass. She slowly got out of the bed, the strap on - a big, fat, tree-trunk looking cock, thick like my arm and longer than my leg, brown in color - now jumping, throbbing, and bouncing around...wet n creamy….dripping hot goo all over the place. I stared at it. I'd never seen anything like it before in my life. I gasped and tried to speak, to make sense of the freaky-deeky scenario: "Wha...wha...[I couldn't breathe]...what the fuck is this shi..." I lost consciousness for about 15 seconds.

    Paralyzed with shock and disbelief, trying to catch my waning breath, I slowly turned around and walked out of the room, stopping at the window in the living room. My hands trembled a bit when I tried to move the curtain aside to look out the window. I began to cry while trying to compose myself hoping that Denise would come to the window and notice me crying. I could hear the dyke repeatedly asking Denise, "What the fuck is he doing here?" That's when the fury within arose, and - in a split second - I knew, without a doubt, I had to kill these bitches.

    Denise stood closely behind me, her stark naked body touching mine, she rubbing my back, asking me, "what are you doing here?" "YOU INVITED ME YOU FOOL!" She lowered her head in shame and regret. I looked at my car, the lights had been left on, but that didn't matter as much as the perfect-murder details now circulating in my head. That's when the temporary insanity set in and I started talking to myself: "First, I'll throw her out this window, then I'll get a knife from the kitchen and slice Melissa Etheridge from head to toe, then I'll write a note, get the boys, go to the ATM, and head to my momma house. Nope. I could never face my mother with blood on my hands. I'll kill all of us! I don't wanna leave the boys as orphans. That's not fair. I'll kill them too!"

    All kinds of terroristic thoughts raced through my jaded mind while Denise continued rubbing my back saying, "I'm so sorry baby. I love you." (For some strange weird reason, those words were comforting that they healed me from my temporary state of insanity.) Peripherally, I noticed K. D. Lang leaving out the door, but not before she twists the knife in my gut just a little bit more: "Call me, baby." Denise ignored her and went to the bedroom and put on her gown....the one that the dyke had seduced her out of, no doubt...the one I'd bought her for her birthday…the one that I loved to see her in because it was slightly see-through - not trashy looking - but showed her beautiful body in a teasingly alluring way. That one. That made me madder. Everything was still and silent.

    R Kelly was rubbing it in: SEX MEEEEE LADY LADY SEX MEEEEE...

    I turned to Denise and asked the classically, but necessary, stupid question: "Why? What the fuck are you doing? The kids are right in the next room?!" At that moment, my son toddles out into the living area, saw me, and yelled, "Daddy!" Thankfully, he was oblivious to the matter at hand and I didn't want him to see me crying so I turned to wipe my eyes, grabbed him into my arms and squeezed him tight. Denise looks at us, blankly and nervous, unsure of what to say. I couldn't look her in the eye. I tell my son, I love you man." He smiles and asks, "You love mommy too!?" I paused, trying not to start crying again, sighed, and said, "yeah, baby, I love mommy too."

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